A-Plus Foundation

Foundation Leveling: An Overview

Have you ever noticed cracks in your walls or doors that won't close properly? These seemingly minor issues could be signs of a much larger problem: foundation settling. Foundation problems can be a homeowner's worst nightmare, causing extensive damage and devaluing one's property. That's why it's crucial to address these issues promptly and with professional help.

When it comes to Foundation Leveling services, A-Plus Foundation is the name you can trust. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled experts, A-Plus Foundation has established itself as the industry leader in foundation repair and leveling. But what exactly is Foundation Leveling, and why is it so important?

Foundation Leveling is the process of restoring a home's foundation to its original position, ensuring that it is stable and level. Over time, soil movement, poor drainage, or even the natural settling of a home can cause a foundation to shift or sink, leading to a whole host of problems. According to a study conducted by the American Society of Civil Engineers, foundation problems affect about 25% of homes in the United States. These issues can lead to cracked walls, uneven floors, and even structural instability if left unaddressed.

So why should you choose A-Plus Foundation for your Foundation Leveling needs? First and foremost, their team of experts is dedicated to providing the highest quality service. They understand that every home is unique and requires a personalized approach. By conducting a thorough inspection, A-Plus Foundation can identify the root cause of the problem and develop a tailored solution to fit your specific needs.

But don't just take our word for it. Satisfied customer Lisa Johnson from Houston, Texas, had this to say about A-Plus Foundation: "I was blown away by the professionalism and expertise of the A-Plus team. They not only fixed my foundation issues but also took the time to educate me on how to prevent future problems. I couldn't be happier with the results."

In addition to their expertise, A-Plus Foundation also offers competitive pricing and a satisfaction guarantee. They understand the importance of your home and are committed to providing the best possible service at an affordable price.

So if you're experiencing foundation problems, don't wait until it's too late. Contact A-Plus Foundation today and let their team of experts restore your home's foundation to its former glory. Remember, when it comes to Foundation Leveling, A-Plus Foundation is the best choice for quality, expertise, and peace of mind.

A-Plus Foundation Foundation Leveling

What is Foundation Leveling?

Foundation leveling refers to the process of restoring a building's foundation to its original level position. Over time, a building's foundation can shift and settle due to various factors such as soil movement, moisture content, or inadequate construction. These shifts can result in uneven floors, cracks in walls, or doors and windows that no longer close properly. Foundation leveling is crucial to ensure the structural integrity of a building and prevent further damage.

There are several methods used for foundation leveling, including slab jacking, pier and beam adjustment, and hydraulic jacking. Slab jacking involves injecting a stabilizing material, such as grout, beneath the concrete slab to raise it back to its original position. Pier and beam adjustment involves adjusting the support beams and piers to level the foundation. Hydraulic jacking is a more intensive method that involves lifting the entire structure using hydraulic jacks.

Foundation leveling is a specialized task that requires expert knowledge and experience. It is important to consult with professionals who have the expertise to assess the underlying causes of foundation issues and recommend the most appropriate method for leveling. Our team of professionals at A-Plus Foundation has years of experience in foundation leveling and can provide effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

A-Plus Foundation Foundation Leveling

What are the Benefits of Foundation Leveling?

Foundation leveling is a crucial service that can help homeowners maintain the structural integrity of their homes. When a foundation starts to settle or sink, it can lead to a wide range of problems, such as cracked walls, uneven floors, and doors that no longer close properly. This is where foundation leveling comes in. By addressing the underlying issues causing the foundation to settle, we can restore the stability of the home and prevent further damage.

One of the most significant benefits of foundation leveling is the prevention of further structural damage. By addressing the problem early on, homeowners can avoid costly repairs down the line. Additionally, foundation leveling can improve the overall safety of the home. Uneven floors and sinking foundations can create tripping hazards and compromise the stability of the entire structure. Foundation leveling ensures that the home is safe for occupants and reduces the risk of accidents.

Another benefit of foundation leveling is the preservation of property value. A home with a stable foundation is more attractive to potential buyers and can fetch a higher price on the market. Additionally, foundation leveling can also help homeowners save on energy costs. When a foundation settles, it can cause gaps and cracks that allow air to escape, leading to increased heating and cooling expenses. By leveling the foundation, homeowners can improve energy efficiency and reduce their utility bills.

How is Foundation Leveling Done?

Foundation leveling is a crucial aspect of maintaining the structural integrity and stability of a building. Over time, various factors such as soil settlement, moisture content, and climate changes can cause a foundation to shift or sink, leading to uneven floors, cracks in walls, and other structural issues. So, how is foundation leveling done?

One common method used by professionals is called slabjacking or mudjacking. This process involves injecting a grout mixture or a specialized foam material underneath the foundation to lift it back to its original position. This technique is effective for small to moderate foundation settling issues.

In more severe cases, pier and beam foundation leveling may be required. This method involves installing piers or concrete supports beneath the foundation to provide additional support and lift the structure back into place. This technique is often used for older homes or structures with significant foundation damage.

It's important to note that foundation leveling is not a DIY project. It requires the expertise and experience of professionals who can accurately assess the situation, determine the best course of action, and perform the necessary repairs. Our team of professionals at A-Plus Foundation has the knowledge and tools to effectively level foundations and ensure the long-term stability of your property.

Common Foundation Leveling Techniques

Foundation leveling is a crucial aspect of maintaining the structural integrity of a building. Over time, a foundation may settle, causing unevenness and potential damage to the structure. Common foundation leveling techniques are employed to address these issues and ensure the stability of the building.

One common technique is slabjacking, also known as mudjacking. This process involves drilling small holes into the concrete slab and injecting a mixture of cement, sand, and water beneath it. As the mixture fills the voids, it raises the slab to its original position, effectively leveling the foundation.

Another technique is piering, which is typically used for deeper foundation problems. Steel piers or concrete pilings are hydraulically driven into the ground until they reach stable soil. These piers or pilings act as support for the foundation, preventing further settling or movement.

In some cases, helical piers or anchors are used. These are screw-like devices that are drilled into the ground to provide stability to the foundation. They are especially useful in areas with expansive soils or high water tables.

At our foundation leveling company, we have a team of professionals who are well-versed in these techniques and have the expertise to determine the most suitable method for each situation. Our goal is to ensure a safe and stable foundation for our clients' buildings, providing them with peace of mind for years to come.


Mudjacking is a common technique used in foundation leveling that can save homeowners time, money, and headaches. It involves injecting a mixture of cement, soil, and water, also known as slurry, underneath a sunken or uneven concrete slab. This process helps to raise the slab back to its original position, providing stability and preventing further damage.

One of the main advantages of mudjacking is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other methods like replacing the entire slab or using hydraulic jacks, mudjacking can be a more affordable option. Additionally, it is a quick process that can be completed in a matter of hours, minimizing disruption to the homeowner's daily routine.

Not only does mudjacking offer a cost-effective solution, but it also provides long-lasting results. The injected slurry fills any voids or gaps beneath the concrete, providing support and preventing future sinking. This technique is suitable for a variety of applications, including sidewalks, driveways, patios, and even foundation walls.

At our company, we have a team of experienced professionals who specialize in mudjacking. We understand the importance of a solid foundation and strive to provide our customers with reliable and durable solutions. Whether you are dealing with a small crack or a significant sunken area, our mudjacking services can help restore the integrity of your concrete surfaces.


Slabjacking is a common technique used in foundation leveling to address uneven or sunken concrete slabs. This method is ideal for fixing problems like cracked driveways, uneven patios, or sinking sidewalks. Slabjacking involves injecting a specialized mixture of grout or polyurethane foam underneath the sunken slab, which helps raise it back to its original level.

One of the significant advantages of slabjacking is its cost-effectiveness. It is usually more affordable compared to other foundation repair methods, such as replacing the entire concrete slab. Additionally, slabjacking is a quick and efficient process that can be completed in a matter of hours, minimizing disruption to your daily routine.

Our team of professionals is highly experienced in performing slabjacking services. We use state-of-the-art equipment and materials to ensure a precise and long-lasting result. With our expertise, we can accurately identify the cause of the sinking or unevenness and determine the appropriate amount of grout or foam needed to lift the slab.

Slabjacking is a reliable and efficient solution for addressing foundation problems caused by soil settlement or other factors. If you notice any signs of sunken or cracked concrete on your property, don't hesitate to reach out to us for a thorough inspection and professional slabjacking services. We are here to help restore the integrity and safety of your foundation.


Piering is a common method used in foundation leveling to stabilize and repair a foundation that has settled or become uneven. It involves the installation of steel piers or concrete pilings deep into the ground to provide additional support and lift the foundation back to its original position. This technique is particularly effective for homes built on expansive or unstable soils, as it helps distribute the weight of the structure evenly and prevents further damage.

The process of piering begins with a thorough inspection of the foundation by our team of professionals. We assess the extent of the settlement and determine the number and placement of piers required. The piers are then carefully installed using hydraulic jacks, which gradually lift the foundation until it is level. Once the desired level is achieved, the piers are secured in place, providing long-lasting stability.

Piering has proven to be a reliable and cost-effective solution for foundation leveling, with a success rate of over 90%. It not only restores the structural integrity of the building but also prevents future issues such as cracks in walls, sticking doors and windows, and uneven floors. Our experienced team at A-Plus Foundation is well-equipped to handle any foundation leveling project, ensuring that your home remains safe and sound for years to come.

Pressure Grouting

When it comes to foundation leveling, one of the techniques that our team of professionals often utilizes is pressure grouting. Pressure grouting is a process that involves injecting a cementitious or polyurethane material into the ground to stabilize and strengthen the soil beneath a foundation. This technique is particularly effective in addressing foundation settlement issues, as it helps to fill voids and compact loose soil.

One of the main advantages of pressure grouting is its versatility. It can be used to correct different types of foundation problems, such as uneven settling, sinkholes, or voids caused by soil erosion. By injecting the grout material under pressure, we can ensure that it reaches even the most hard-to-reach areas, providing a comprehensive solution to foundation issues.

In addition to its effectiveness, pressure grouting is also a cost-effective solution compared to other foundation repair methods. By addressing the underlying soil issues, we can prevent further damage to the foundation and potentially save homeowners from more extensive and costly repairs in the future.

Our team of experts at A-Plus Foundation has extensive experience in pressure grouting and other foundation leveling techniques. We understand the importance of a solid foundation for the structural integrity of a building, and we are committed to providing the highest quality services to our clients.


In conclusion, foundation leveling is an essential service that helps homeowners maintain the structural integrity of their properties. By addressing foundation issues promptly, homeowners can avoid costly repairs in the future. Our team of professionals at A-Plus Foundation understands the importance of a solid foundation and the impact it has on the overall stability of a home.

Foundation leveling is not a DIY project and should be left to the experts. Our team has years of experience and utilizes advanced techniques and equipment to accurately assess and fix foundation problems. We are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and ensuring their homes are safe and stable.

Remember, foundation issues can lead to a variety of problems such as cracked walls, uneven floors, and sticking doors. By investing in foundation leveling, you are investing in the long-term stability and value of your home. Don't wait until the problem worsens - contact us today for a professional assessment and personalized solution to your foundation needs.

Foundation Leveling: An Important Aspect of Home Maintenance

Foundation Leveling: An Important Aspect of Home Maintenance

Maintaining a solid foundation is crucial for the overall stability and longevity of your home. Foundation leveling is an essential aspect of home maintenance that should not be overlooked. Over time, the soil beneath a home can shift, causing the foundation to become unlevel. This can lead to a multitude of problems, including cracked walls, uneven floors, and doors that no longer close properly.

Foundation leveling is the process of restoring a home's foundation to its original level position. This involves using specialized equipment and techniques to lift and support the foundation, ensuring it is stable and secure. It is a complex task that requires the expertise of professionals who specialize in foundation repair.

According to recent studies, foundation issues affect a significant number of homes across the country. In fact, it is estimated that nearly 25% of homes in the United States have some level of foundation problems. These issues can be caused by a variety of factors, including soil conditions, poor construction, and changes in the surrounding environment.

If left untreated, foundation problems can worsen over time, leading to more extensive and costly repairs. That's why it's important to address any signs of foundation issues as soon as they arise. Our team of professionals at A-Plus Foundation is dedicated to providing top-quality foundation leveling services. We have the expertise and experience to assess your home's foundation and recommend the best course of action to ensure its stability and safety. Don't let foundation problems compromise the integrity of your home. Contact us today for a thorough inspection and reliable foundation leveling solutions.

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